Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations, Obama!

Yes, We Can!

Amazing. So much more can be said, but what more needs to be said? President Elect Barack Obama. Right now, I sit at my computer, writing this while watching the local news channels, with their continuing coverage of the election, still wiping the tears and flattening the goosebumps from Obama's acceptance speach, as I try to calm my nerves and realize that America is not only ready for this change, but they made it known as well.

Congratulations, President Elect, Barack Obama!! America needs a change and we will hopefully see that over the next 4 years, at least.

I don't feel anymore needs to be said tonight. I write this through the business and I realize that my opinion may not mesh with everyone else, but I do not discriminate against ANYone's opinion and accept all schools of thought.

To each thier own.

(But, Fantastic, Obama! Fantastic! :-)

Jenna Owner & Operator Blue Moon Botanicals

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