Monday, November 3, 2008

New Year - Slightly New Business

Hello to all!

It's a New Year (for Pagans anyway) and the business, Blue Moon Botanicals, is still slightly off we go!

Lately, the site has been stalled, so it's time to start working on new products, adding new text to the site and doing our best at Do-It-Yourself SEO (Search Engine Optimization.) This ought to be fun. You see, it would cost a couple grand to have "the professionals" work on the website and see it rise in the Search Engines, like Google, Yahoo! and MSN. As a small business, smaller than most, the budget isn't there to go through "the professionals." Our budget is mostly for our products – which is good news for our customers, but only when we can get them to the site.

Next month, we have three teas that will be coming out and are currently being worked on. The herbal pillows are still getting the "kinks" worked out but look forward to them in the months to come.

That's all for now – so please check out the website,

and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions, product ideas or questions. We look forward to serving your needs for products to fuel your mind, body and soul!

Blue Moon Botanicals

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